
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Abraham Goad 1665-1734 #52Ancestors #50

Abraham Goad was born before or about 1665 in Lancaster County, Virginia. He was thoughtful enough to leave lots of records behind.
John Smith's "Virginia" published in 1612

Abraham married Katherine Williams, daughter of John Williams and his wife Eve. Abraham was a tobacco planter in Richmond County, Virginia.
Abraham and Katherine had seven children:
William born 1693, married Mary
Hannah born 1695, married Tobias Phillips and William Dodson
John born 1700, married Katherine Jennings and Ann Isham?
Alice born 1704, married Fortunatus Dodson and John Fowler
Elizabeth born 1705 married John Dodson
Abraham born 1709, married Joanna Wheatley
Peter born 1715, never married

Abraham was the great grandfather of John Sevier, the first governor of Tennessee.

Abraham left several court records behind, although his last name was usually spelled Goard. There are records going back to 1652 but I believe that would be another Abraham Goad (father??)

9th of November, 1687 - The County of Lancaster being indebted in the quantity of foure thousand three hundred twenty and nine pounds of tobacco and caske, have ordered a Levie of seven pounds of tobacco bee raised by Capt. Richard Neusum, High Sheriffe of this County, off and from every Tithable person in this County...(including) ABRAHAM GOARD 01 ( a tithe of 1 lb of Tobacco)

14 of December, 1687 - p 66 - at the Courthouse of Lancaster County December the 14, 1687 May it please your excellencty - In Obedience to your Excellencys directed to this Court for the returneing an Accompt of all persons that are able to beare Armes both for Horse and Foot Service in this County, wee have duely examined a List of the Freeholders and House Keepers inhabiting in ore said County and wee doe finde upon ore inquiry that many of them are very poore, despicable persons. Wee have returned yore Excellency the full exprest by yore Order as Followeth:
Persons appointed for Foot Service - 101 individuals, (including): ABRA: GOARD.

Lancaster County Will Order Abstracts 27th of November 1680 - pp72 - 73
An inventory of the Estate of Robert Brian (deceased)...including: An accot. of tobacco due to the Estate:
Three hogshds of old tobacco in the House weighing 1390; One Bill of Richd. Marshall, a Bill of Jno Nerings, a Bill of ABRAHAM GOARDS, a Bill of Jno Frondes,....

Will of John Phillips of Lancaster County, VA, Jan 30, 1689-90,
Witnessed by ABRAHAM GOARD

DEED between Wm. Smyth (Katherine William's stepfather) and ABRAHAM GOARD - March 24, 1699

THIS INDENTURE made the 24th day of March in the yeare of our Lord according to the computacon of the Church of England 1699 Between Wm Smyth of the Parish of North Farnham & County of Richmond, Carpenter, of the one part and ABRAHAM GOARD of the Parish & County aforesaid also Plantr. of the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Smyth for Six thousand pounds of tobacco good & merchantable in caske to be paid hath granted unto the said ABRAHAM GOARD his heirs & assignes forever one parcell of Land conteyning One hundred & fifty acres or thereabouts be it more or less, one part of wch: the houses & plantacon of the said Wm. Smyth & now in the occupation & holding of the said ABRAHAM GOARD, being prt of a greater devident conteyning Foure hundred ninty & eight acres belonging to the said Wm. Smyth, scituate lying & being on the North side of Rappahannock River and on the branches of Farnham & Morattico Creeks beginning at a marked Poplar standing in the mouth of a forke or branch that issues out of the Bryery Swamp and running alongs a line of marked tress to Dacres, his path, thence alonge the meanders of the said path to the line of the said William Smyth bearing Easterly, thence alonge the said line to the Poplar, the first station, And likewise all houses buildings in upon or about the said One hundred & fifty acres of land or thereabouts with the profitts belonging, And also all right of the said William Smyth to the said Land, To have & tohold to the only proper use of him the said ABRAHAM GOARD his heirs & assignes forever, fully discharged from all manner of formes & titles comitted by the said Wm. Smyth his heirs, the Quitrents hereof only excepted to be paid unto the Chief Lords or Proprietors of the Fees by the said ABRAHAM GOARD his heirs or assignes, And the said Wm. Smyth doth agree for himselfe his heirs warrant & forever defend against the claimes of any persons
whatsoever so that the said ABRAHAM GOARD his heirs may hold the before granted premisses and the profitts of the same to take without the hinderance of said Wm. Smyth his heirs or any other persons clayming the same. In Witness whereof I have sett my hand
& seale Sealed & detivent in presence of us:
William Smyth, his marke, Richard Samphee, his marke, Thoe Hughes, his mark, Edward Jones

KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I Eve Smyth (Abraham's mother-in-law), the Wife of William Smyth of the Parish of North Farnham and County of Richmond, Carpenter, have nominated & constituted Samuel Sammford my true & lawfull Attorney to appeare afore the Worshipll Court of Richmond & acknowledge my full assent & consent to the passing away all my right & interest of Dower unto certaine Lands sold unto ABRAHAM GOARD & by a certaine Indenture bearing date with these presens and therefore I do hereby release & forever quit claims all my right of Dower to the said Lands & every part thereof. As witness
my hand and seal this 24th of March Ano: Dom: 1699 in presence of us Richd Sampee his marke; Eve Smyth, her marke; Tho Hughes, his marke;
Edward Jones ; Recordr: Test Wm. Colston, Cl Cur
Memoran: The (blank) day of March 1699 the within named William Smyth entered into the Capitall messuage & tooke possession thereof & also tooke turff & twigg on the land within granted & then peacably after delivered possession & seisin thereby of all& singular the plantacon lands houses & premisses within mentioned according to the tenour of this present Deed of Grant & Sale unto the within named ABRAHAM GOARD.

Richmond County Orders 1697-1699, P. 402
Richmond County Court 7th of June 1699
Phillip Keph, Servant to ABRAHAM GOARD, being presented to this Court to have inspection in his age is adjudged Twelve years old and ordered to serve his said Master or his assigns according to Act
John Wallis, Servant to ABRAHAM GOARD, being presented to this Court to have inspection into his age is adjudged Twelve years old and ordered to serve his said Master or his assigns according to Act

Abraham died April 11, 1733 after having written his will in March. In the will his name is spelled Goad. Of ancestor Alice got one shilling...

 In the name of God Amen. I Abraham GOAD being weak of body but in sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be given to all mighty God for the same, do make and ordain this to be my last will and testement, but first of all I recommend my soul to the hands of Almighty God that gave it to me & my body to be buryed in a Christianlike manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned, and as touching my temporal Estate in which it has pleased Almighty God to bless me with, I give and dispose of the same in manner and form following:
 Imprimus - I give and bequeath to my grandson, William Goad, son of William Goad, that plantation whereon Mary Goad now lives and all the land thereto belonging on that side of the swamp up to Mr. Griffin's line (excepting a small piece of land I have given bond to Mr. William Downman for the acknowledgement of).
 Item - I give and bequeath to my son, John Goad, and his wife all land that lies above the North Fork of briary swamp belongs to me up to Oakley's line....
 Item - I give to my son, Abraham Goad, all the land lying on the south side of my spring branch.... in case the said Abraham should die without heirs, then the said land to fall to my son Peter.....
 Item - I give unto my son, Peter Goad, all the land lying on the north side of my spring branch......
 Item - I give to the heirs of my son, William Goad, dec'd, one shilling to be paid by...
 Item - I give to my daughter, Hannah Phillips, one shilling.....
 Item - I give to my daughter, Elizabeth Dodson, one shilling.....
 Item - I give to my daughter, Alice Dodson, one shilling.....
 Item - I give and bequeath to my wife, Catherine, the use of my Negro woman, Judith, and all the remaining part of my personal Estate during her natural life & after her decease to be equally divided amongst my three sons John Goad, Abraham Goad, and Peter Goad. My will and desire is that my wife Catherine Goad live on my plantation and not be molested during her natural life.
 Item - I likewise constitute ordain and appoint my son John Goad to be the whole and sole Executor of this my last will and testament, as witness my hand and seal this 7th day of March, 1733.

. Witnesses: Eliza E. Lawson                                      his
                    Winefed Miskell                     Abraham  AG  Goad
                    Henry Miskell                                         mark

1733, 1 Jul: Richmond Co Will Bk V, p 238 (dated 7 Mar 1733): will was proven. Inventory on page 240. Probate: July 01, 1734, North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co., Virginia.

If you are related to this family, I'd love to hear from you.

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