
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Revolutionary War Patriot Jeremiah Roden 1754-1851 #52Ancestors #45

Jeremiah Roden was born November 3, 1754 in Chester County, South Carolina. He was the son of Thomas Roden, Sr. and his wife Mary who was possibly a Potts.

Just to make things interesting, Thomas Roden, Sr had a brother Jeremiah, who also named his son Jeremiah. They are all in the Chester, South Carolina area at the same time, so things get confusing. I am still trying to sort out most of that. There are lots of land records in South Carolina, but unless they also list the wife's name, it's just about impossible for me to sort them all out.

Jeremiah married Susannah Kirkland April 28, 1873. They had children born in South Carolina as follows:
Mona "Mamie" born 1780
Mary "Polly" born February 28, 1786
John B. born September 30, 1787
Margaret "Peggy" born February 12, 1789
Louvenia "Louvice" born about 1790
(Yet another) Jeremiah born July 8, 1792
Benjamin born April 6, 1795
Nancy born December 31, 1801

After moving to Kentucky and Tennessee, Jeremiah and family, including most of the married children and their families, moved to Blount County, Alabama in 1817 while Alabama was still a territory.

Jeremiah supposedly applied for a Revolutionary War pension and was denied for no proof of service, but I have not been able to find an actual record of this.

He is found in 1850 in DeKalb County, Alabama at the age of 94.
Name: Jeremiah Roden
Event Type: Census
Event Year: 1850
Event Place: De Kalb county, De Kalb, Alabama, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 94
Race: White
Birth Year (Estimated): 1756
Birthplace: South Carolina
Household ID: 289
House Number: 289
Line Number: 38
Affiliate Name: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Affiliate Publication Number: M432
Affiliate Film Number: 5
GS Film Number: 2347
Digital Folder Number: 004187295
Image Number: 00050

Household Role Gender Age Birthplace
Jeremiah Roden  M 94 South Carolina
Susannah Roden  F 100 Georgia
Joshua Wilson  M 23 Alabama
Cinthia Wilson  F 40 North Carolina
Margaret Jacobs  F 25 unknown
John J Jacobs  M 1 Alabama

Jeremiah died January 1, 1851 in DeKalb County. He is buried in the Roden Chapel Cemetery, Hendrixville, DeKalb County. 
Photo by findagrave member Maria Gilliland
Or not...according to some sources, "Jeremiah Roden was born January 3rd 1754 in Carolina (?) died 1-1-1851 in Blount County, AL. Buried near Mt. Moriah Church". There is a brass marker placed at Mount Moriah Cemetery at Fridays Crossings in Blount County.

His wife Susannah filed for a widow's pension April 16, 1855:
State of Alabama DeKalb County: On this 16th day of April A.D. 1855 personally appeared before me Reuben Estes Judge of the Probate Court of DeKalb County in State of Alabama Susanna Roden a resident of DeKalb County and State of Alabama aged about 103 years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provision made by the Act of Congress passed July 7th 1838 entitled "An Act granting half pay & Pensions to certain widows" That she is the widow of Jeremiah Roden who was a private in the Company commanded by Captain Frost in the Regiment of infantry commanded by Major Bond and Colonel Lacy [Edward Lacey] in the War of the Revolution with Great Britain that her said husband was drafted or volunteered at or near Brushy For on Sandy River in the State of South Carolina not far from the Fish Dam on Broad River but cannot tell for what length of time he volunteered or was drafted or when or where he was discharged. She being at such an advanced age has forgotten nearly all except that he was in a skirmish against the Tories at Mr. Bonds House as the records of the Army will probably show.
She further declares that she was married to the said Jeremiah Roden on the 28th day of April 1783 at or near Edgefield or Barnwell District in South Carolina by John Wilkinson a Baptist Clergyman & that her Husband the aforesaid Jeremiah Roden died in DeKalb County on the first day of January 1851 -- that she was not married to him prior to his leaving the Service but the marriage took place previous to the first of January 1794 viz. at the time before stated. She further swears that she is now a widow and that she has never before made application for a pension except one that was considered informal.
Sworn to and subscribed on the day and year above written before
Witness S/ Andrew Poare S/ Susanna Roden, X her mark

Although the above mentions that Jeremiah was a private, the books A History of Birmingham and Its Environs, and History of Alabama and Dictionary of Alabama Biography, Volume IV, state that "Jerry Roden was an orderly sergeant in the troops that followed General Francis Marion". These books were published in 1920 and 1921. Sometimes stories grow a bit in the retelling.

The DAR requires further proof of service before admitting anyone else under this ancestor.

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