
Monday, September 22, 2014

Wow! I Got an Award!!

I received a bit of a shock and a wonderful surprise. I was nominated for the "One Lovely Blog Award" by Valerie Hughes and Bernita Allen.

Valerie writes a wonderful blog over at Genealogy With Valerie. It's one of my can't miss blogs. Bernita writes a great blog too - Voices Inside My Head.

Here are the rules for this award:
  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to that blog 
  2. Share Seven things about yourself 
  3. Nominate 15 bloggers you admire (or as many as you can think of!) 
  4. Contact your bloggers to let them know that you’ve tagged them for the One Lovely Blog Award
Thank you Valerie. I am truly honored to be in such great company!!

Seven things about me
  1. I'm in charge of the care and feeding of two teenagers
  2. I need prayers...see above
  3. I am named Beverly after my grandfather, Beverly Clinton Tidwell
  4. I'm a hoarder, especially books
  5. I'm the oldest of three children, and the only daughter
  6. My favorite food is caramel (yeah, it's a food)
  7. I work full time for the phone company

15 Bloggers I Admire

This part is really hard. There are so many blogs that I love. I hate to leave any out, but decided to include a few you may not know about. Here goes (in no particular order)
  1. Geneabloggers by Thomas MacEntee
  2. Opening Doors in Brick Walls by Cathy Meder-Dempsey
  3. One of my favorite food blogs, Plain Chicken by Stephanie Parker
  4. Maybe Someone Should Write That Down by Kassie Ritman
  5. Jana's Genealogy and Family History Blog by Jana Last
  6. The Legal Genealogist by Judy Russell
  7. No Story Too Small by Amy Johnson Crow
  8. Genealogy Circle by Cindy Freed
  9. Conference Keeper and Ancestral Breezes by Jen Baldwin
  10. Strange Alabama by Beverly Crider
  11. GeneaDictionary and GeniAus by Jill Ball 
  12. Branching Out Through the Years by Fran Ellsworth
  13. Parallax View by Tony Proctor
  14. Dispatches from the LP-OP by Lee Peacock
  15. A Southern Sleuth by Michelle Ganus Taggart
  16. (bonus) Worldwide Genealogy by a collaboration of authors
  17. There is also a blog roll further down the page of blogs I'm following
Contact Bloggers
I'll be contacting the fifteen bloggers above, unless they happen to be reading and contact me first.

Thank you again Valerie Hughes and Bernita Allen!!  

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