
Saturday, June 29, 2013

#Genealogy Blogs from Facebook

Update 11/23/2014 Sharing this list of bloggers old (as in more experienced) and new from the Facebook groupGenealogy Bloggers.  Sorry for the format, it just would NOT behave! Here they are, in no particular order...drumroll please... by Carol Kostakos Petranek (Greek Genealogy) ... We're All Relative by Cynthia Berryman ... Genealogical Gems by Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman by Yvette Porter Moore by Susannah Allen Linda O'Donnell; personal genealogy blog & tips Mary Dutcher Knapp; Grant County, Wisconsin Heather Lisa Dubnick Sarah Svard Ashley Mary Harrell-Sesniak Barbara Poole (covers New England) Rhonda Bridges Trueman NC, SC, TN, VA, and general genealogy Vincint Zangari / Zangari Genealogy / Maricopa Genealogy Experts Janice Webster Brown Roger Robineau Carol (Aka, Carol A. Bowen Stevens)
 Genealogical Research: past, present, future... Selma Blackmon Danni Altman-Newell

 Kelly Bembry Midura / Travis LeMaster  Karen Ball-Pyatt     Jeanne Bryan Insalaco Polly FitzGerald Kimmitt, CG     Margaret Tull

Be  sure and check them out.
Some great blogs in this group!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wedding Wednesday-James Harve Hamaker and Mary Alice Warnick Carter, Hueytown, AL

Marriage of James Harve Hamaker and Mary Alice Warnick Carter
July 22, 1909

James Harve Hamaker is on of those people who just dropped out of the sky and landed fully grown in Alabama, Although the Hamaker line is pretty well documented in Alabama, I have not been able to place him. His first appearance is in the 1900 census in Jefferson, Alabama:
Series: T623  Roll: 21  Page: 171

HAMAKER, HARVEY, 24, single, born AL ---1876, father unknown, mother AL, coal miner
Meeks, Susan C, 30, sister, born AL Nov 1869, single, father unknown, mother AL
Meeks, Henry, 22 brother, born AL Oct 1877, father unknown, mother AL, coal miner
Harve was born August 8, 1869 per his death certificate.
You would think there would be some clues having Susan and Henry Meeks as his brother and sister. Mysteriously, I have found no earlier census records for them either. No marriage of a Meeks and Hamaker. Harve's death certificate was no help, parents unknown. Still searching.

Harve married Mary Alice Warnick, daughter of George Washington Warnick and Flora Jane Cargo Warnick. Alice was the widow of Samuel Thomas Carter. Samuel died in the Virginia Mines (AL) explosion February 20, 1905. You can read more about him here--  He left behind not only his widow, but a daughter Dessa and his as yet unborn daughter Flora. Flora was born August 13, 1905.
Mary Alice Warnick Carter, daughters Flora and Dessa

Harve built Alice a house on land origionally belonging to the Huey's, at 3121 Warrior River Rd. Harve raised both daughters, and he and Alice had one son, Roma Neil, born October 12, 1911.

Harve died in 1950, at the age of 81. Alice died in 1970, at the age of 87.
Harve and Alice are buried in Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, Hueytown, Jefferson, Alabama

Monday, June 24, 2013

The End is Nigh for Google Reader

With Google Reader being retired July 1, 2013, I have been testing some alternatives. So far the winner seems to be Feedly . 

*I did find an easier way to add blogs to the Feedly reader. It is a bookmarklet that you can just drop to your bookmarks/favorites bar. It can be found here .

After adding this bookmarklet, I can just navigate to a blog and click the button. So far it's working well.
***Update on above. See 

Google pulls malware Twitter and Feedly extensions for Chrome

Finally, There is a widget that can be added to your blog so readers can add your blog to their Feedly Reader :

Cick on the button you want for your blog.
If you don't see the design you need create your own using our button kit.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sibling Saturday-George and Martha Allie Walker-Birmingham, Alabama

Martha Allie Walker was born March 31, 1880. Her brother George Milton Walker was born November, 1881 in Pickensville, Pickens, Alabama.

They were orphaned at an early age. Their mother died in April of 1895 in Birmingham, Alabama. Their father had died some time earlier. Martha went to live with her half sister, Elizabeth Carver Sanders, wife of James Monroe Sanders. Oral family history says he was "a sorry, mean man. Martha Allie hated him with a passion". 
Martha married John Henry Norman October 20, 1897 in Birmingham.

George lied about his age, and went to fight in the Spanish-American War. In the 1900 census, he is found in Samar Island, Philippines with the 29th Infantry as a "Musician". He states his date of birth as November, 1881. 

When George was discharged, he came back to Birmingham looking for his sister. The Norman family had moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They went there for John to work in the steel mills as he was an iron worker.  George had no idea where they were. George moved to San Francisco, California. He worked as an elevator operator. He met and married Susan Edwards about 1908. Susan died in childbirth with their first child.

There is a happy ending though
Reunion of sister and brother after 28 years

George traveled back to Birmingham 28 years later. Oral history says he knocked on the door and asked if Martha Allie Walker lived there.  She was extremely surprised and glad to see him.

Martha died April 21, 1948 in Birmingham. George died November 30 1955 in Los Angeles, California.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday's Child- Josephine Warnick- Jefferson, Alabama

I have always loved this picture from my mother's collection. Josephine was the daughter of Eugene Ednor Warnick and Mattie E Knight Warnick. She was born December 6, 1916 in Dolomite, Jefferson, Alabama. Sadly, she died young February 12, 1936 in Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabama.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday's Child- Rolland Fenner Abbott of Wilton, Muscatine, IA

Rolland was the son of Frank Stafford Abbott and Mary Lenoria Norman Abbott. He was born May 26, 1899 and died December 16, 1976. He is buried in Oakdale Cemetery, Wilton, Muscatine County, Iowa. He was the husband of Zella L. Noble.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Finding the Old Homestead

Ever wondered where your ancestor's home was located on a modern map? It's not too hard to find out, and you can do it for free (I'm all about free!).

The first step is to search for the original land patent at the Bureau of Land Management's General Land Office Records (You might want to open in a new tab.) Click on Land Patents.

You don't have to have a lot of information. For this example I searched for McCullough in Perry, Alabama. Gabriel is my Great great grandfather. William is his father.

ImageAccessionNamesSorted AscendingDateDoc #StateMeridianTwp - RngAliquotsSec. #County
View Patent ImageAL1950__.374PatenteeMCCULLOUGH, GABRIEL I7/15/185442665ALSt Stephens021N - 009ESW¼NE¼17Perry
View Patent ImageAL2020__.007PatenteeMCCULLOUGH, GABRIEL J11/1/185846668ALSt Stephens021N - 009ENW¼NE¼17Perry
021N - 009ESE¼NW¼17Perry
View Patent ImageAL2100__.009PatenteeMCCULLOUGH, JAMES W9/1/186051413ALSt Stephens021N - 009ES½NW¼36Perry
View Patent ImageAL2100__.408PatenteeMCCULLOUGH, THOMAS H9/1/186051852ALSt Stephens021N - 009ESE¼NE¼18Perry
View Patent ImageCV-0131-150PatenteeMCCULLOUGH, WILLIAM,
10/1/18313437ALSt Stephens018N - 009ENW¼8Perry
View Patent ImageAL0290__.274PatenteeMCCULLOUGH, WILLIAM12/1/18318390ALSt Stephens018N - 009EE½SW¼5Perry
View Patent ImageAL1730__.484PatenteeMCCULLOUGH, WILLIAM8/12/183730923ALSt Stephens021N - 009ESW¼SW¼17Perry
021N - 009EE½SW¼17Perry
View Patent ImageAL1820__.104PatenteeMCCULLOUGH, WILLIAM,
5/20/184134896ALSt Stephens020N - 008EG1Perry
020N - 008EH1Perry
View Patent ImageAL1830__.366PatenteeMCCULLOUGH, WILLIAM2/1/184335667ALSt Stephens020N - 008EB12Perry
View Patent ImageAL1950__.064PatenteeMCCULLOUGH, WILLIAM12/1/185241652ALSt Stephens020N - 009ENW¼NW¼21Perry

Clicking on image gives you a PDF of the original land patent which you can print, save, or order a certified copy.

Clicking on Accession gives you details of the patent.Related documents shows the same land over time, such as other owners of the same land.
Accession Nr:AL1950__.374   Document Type:State Volume Patent   State:Alabama   Issue Date:7/15/1854   Cancelled:No
Names On DocumentMiscellaneous Information
Land Office:Cahaba
US Reservations:No
Mineral Reservations:No
State In Favor Of:---
Authority:April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
Military Rank:---General Remarks:---
Document NumbersSurvey Information
Document Nr:42665Total Acres:40.00
Misc. Doc. Nr:---Survey Date:---
BLM Serial Nr:AL NO S/NGeographic Name:---
Indian Allot. Nr:---Metes/Bounds:No
Coal Entry. Nr:---
Land Descriptions
MapStateMeridianTwp - RngAliquotsSectionSurvey #County
ALSt Stephens021N - 009ESW¼NE¼17Perry
Checking the box for map will give you one (sometimes), but not what we're after.
Using the Land Descriptions info from this page, go to Earth Point Tools for Google Earth

Enter Township and Range.  Optionally enter Section.  Google Earth flys you there using BLM data.  Hint: pause for a moment after choosing each of the criteria.  This allows the data to be loaded into the drop-down boxes.

Principal Meridian

Free. User account is not needed.
If you want to see the surrounding townships, then once you have clicked the "Fly To" button, come back and click the BLM or National Atlas "View on Google Earth" button. Free. User account is not needed.

I already have Google Earth downloaded, You need to have it pre-installed, if you need it, download free Use the Fly To On Google Earth button to download a ,kml file. Click the file and watch the magic happen! 

Google maps has lots of features, play around and have fun! You can add pins to mark locations, get the GPS data, and tons of other things. If you go back and search for additional land, it will bring up the same map, so you can add additional locations.